Our Constitution
After years of turmoil under the Dawes General Allotment Act of 1887. Congress in 1924, authorized the Meriam Survey which compiled information and report on the conditions of Native Americans across the country. The report was critical of the Department of Interior’s implementation of the Dawes Act and overall conditions on reservations and in Native American boarding schools. The Meriam report was the first general study of Indian conditions since the 1850’s and lead to legislative changes that reformed American Indian Policy and led to the creation of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934.
The purpose of the IRA of 1934 was to decrease federal control over Native American affairs and encouraged the tribes to unite under a constitution that allowed for self-governance and the responsibility to manage their own lands and provide for their people. Population censuses were conducted during the early 1930’s that led to formation of the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe, which organized and formed a government in 1936 under the guidance of the Indian Reorganization Act.
The Constitution of the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe was formally adopted in 1936 and has changed over the years to meet growing population and complexities of the modern world. Our Constitution serves as the bedrock of our community, embodying the principles, values, and rights that define who we are as a sovereign nation. Here, you will find a comprehensive resource that outlines the democratic processes, structures, and laws that guide our tribe.