Medical Cannabis Program Forms
FSST Medical Cannabis Program
The Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe offers a medical marijuana program for eligible patients seeking alternative treatment options. To participate in the program, patients must complete a Document Patient Eligibility Form, which will be reviewed by the medical card staff to determine eligibility. This program provides patients with access to medical marijuana, which has been shown to alleviate symptoms associated with various medical conditions. The tribe recognizes the potential benefits of medical marijuana and seeks to provide a safe and legal means for eligible patients to access it. In this article, we will provide instructions on how to complete the eligibility form to participate in the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe's Medical Marijuana Program.
For patients and caregivers who have been using medical marijuana for a year or longer, it is important to renew their medical identification card to continue accessing the benefits of medical marijuana. The Recertification Renewal Application form is designed for active registered patients and registered caregivers who require a full recertification renewal of their medical identification card. This process requires patients to visit their certifying healthcare professional for an updated certification, along with additional documentation. The renewal process is required every 12 months, with a 30-day renewal period prior to the expiration date. In this article, we will provide instructions on how to complete the Recertification Renewal Application form for a full recertification renewal of your medical identification card.

Medical Card Recertification Form (for patients and caregivers)