Gordon Weston Lodge

The Gordon Weston Lodge is named in honor of Private Stanley Weston, son of Taylor and Jeanette Redwing Weston.
The Gordon Weston Post was responsible for creating the American Indian Veterans Association, which is the official post for the National Congress of Indians.
The Gordon Weston Post was given the honor to care for an Eagle Staff that represents the 38 Mdewakanton Tribal members that were executed at Mankato, Minnesota on December 26, 1862, shortly after the Minnesota Uprising. This Eagle Staff was presented to the Gordon Weston Post by the Lower Sioux Tribe at Morton, Minnesota and represents the struggle of the Indian people to survive. It was given to the Post to be carried for the family of Earnest Wabasha who is one of the hereditary Chief of the Mdewakanton Tribe. The Eagle Staff is now carried by the Gordon Weston Post Color Guard at all pow-wows and cultural functions.
On December 27, 1945, there was a meeting held for the purpose of organizing a VFW unit for World War II Indian Veterans. Formed March 24, 1946 the Gordon Weston Lodge No. 6597 was originally made up of Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribal members, and non-members from other reservations who had served in the military during World War II.
“Akicita” Warrior Society – Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe
The Gordon Weston Lodge has annual obligations for school pow-wows, tribal annual wacipi’s, veterans functions, honoring, memorials, inter-tribal conferences, veterans funeral services, and provides cultural awareness in the community. Their operating budget is based on donations and honorariums.
To make a donation, contact:
Sam Allen, Sr.
Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe
P.O. Box 283
Flandreau, SD 57028
Fax 605-997-3878